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Upgrading Our AI Assistant's Natural Language Capabilities

We're excited to announce that we have just made major upgrades to our AI assistant's natural language processing capabilities, allowing it to interpret larger contexts and complete tasks for users more intuitively.

By expanding its text processing ability to well over 100,000 words per task (10x more than before), the improved PonderAi algorithm can now successfully follow more complex instructions correctly on the first try without needing repetitive clarification from the user.

It's like having a smart digital assistant who can understand more nuanced conversations and multi-step requests to complete tasks efficiently. The upgraded NLP model is better equipped to pick up on contextual clues in long-form instructions.

For example, in this demo, we showcase our assistant's ability to analyse a request to find top stocks and provide advice on whether to buy, hold or sell.

In summary, these major NLP upgrades allow our AI assistant to interpret larger bodies of text for each user request, enabling it to complete more complex tasks intuitively without requiring step-by-step clarification. This results in a more efficient and natural conversational experience.


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